Elevated Edge Logo Creation & Branding

Elevated Edge launched in January 2024, offering specialized services in talent acquisition, sales training, coaching, mentoring, and leadership development. The client sought a distinctive logo to establish a strong brand identity for their new venture and entrusted me with bringing their vision to life. Through thoughtful design and collaboration, I provided comprehensive branding support to set Elevated Edge on the path to success.

Initial Meeting

I met with the client to dive deeper into Elevated Edge’s vision, discussing key service areas, business goals, target clients, and the brand identity they wanted to convey.

Through this comprehensive intake session, I identified the top three essential elements the client envisioned for their new logo, providing a clear foundation for the design process.

Brainstorm & Design

I began the logo creation process with an in-depth brainstorming phase, where I explored various concepts that would visually represent Elevated Edge's values and services. Drawing inspiration from our initial discussions on brand goals and client expectations, I used Adobe InDesign to experiment with different typography, color schemes, and iconography that aligned with the desired brand identity.

This stage allowed me to refine and test diverse approaches, ultimately narrowing down concepts that best captured the brand’s essence of professionalism, growth, and empowerment.


After reviewing the designs, the client provided valuable feedback and requested a few revisions to better align with their vision.

Based on this input, I refined the chosen concept, resulting in a final logo that fully captured their brand identity.


The final stage involved delivering a complete package to support Elevated Edge’s brand launch. This included the finalized logo files, a detailed brand guidelines kit outlining color schemes, typography, and logo usage, as well as custom LinkedIn banners designed to create a cohesive and professional online presence. These assets equipped the client with everything needed for a consistent and impactful brand identity across digital and print platforms.

Brand Guidelines

LinkedIn Banners

Logo Format Guide